Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well there you have it. The iPhone has lost its edge.

Today, T-Mobile, Google, and HTC officially announced the HTC Dream/T-Mobile G1, a beautiful little device that does everything the iPhone does, but cheaper, and in some cases, much better.

After watching endless videos about it, I can see that a phone like this will be a big competitor in the comming months. Available in white and black, the G1 is run on a revolutionar little operating system called Android, an open source project by Google that'll assure safety, friendliness, and extendability. The phone is made by the High Tech Computer Corporation (HTC), who, for the last year and a half or so has been making touch screen phones for the masses. Lately, their products have been exceeding the iPhone more and more, with the release of the Touch Diamond, Touch Pro, and the Touch HD [all of which, by the way, have greater resolution than a the standard non-HD television, double that of the iPhone].

Getting back on subject (bear with me, I drift away from the subject a lot when mindlessly typing away), the new G1 will be available through T-Mobile for $179 [if you're already a customer] with a contract extension, or for $399 by itself [T-Mobile 3G plans go from $25-35]. One advantage it has over the iPhone is the fact that it has a full, physical QWERTY keyboard. The one problem I have with the G1 is that there's no 3.5mm earphone jack

Personally, the phone and everything will be perfect for me. I'm a T-Mobile customer, I love open source things, I probably have $200 in my pocket right now, and I happen to live in one of the cities you must live within 5 miles from to buy one (Orlando, Florida FTW!)

So stick it to Apple and get an HTC G1!

[by the way, not too keen on the Samsung Instinct; too cheap-looking]

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Website spotlight: 1TB of online storage at your disposal with Oosah

A person like me needs space. Mental space, physical space, and especially, virtual space. My pathetially small 75GB hard drive is almost full, with less than 6GB of space left, and that's because I've been insessively deleting items the past months after getting multiple "not enough hard drive space" dialog boxes. So I started uploading a few of my useless things to my 110mb.com account, which provides me with 5GB of space and a 99% uptime. I've never had a problem with them (though a few of my friends have had problems registering and managing thier account), but it's sad to know that it can only take so much information.

But a couple of days ago, I found a nice little website called Oosah.com. This little site provides users with a full terrabyte of server space for the grand ol' price of 0 Rupies (this translates to $0 in the US). Wow, that's like.... 13.6533333 times the ammount of storage my computer can carry [shout-out to Google for doing the calculation]!

However, there are a few drawbacks. At this point in time, you are not allowed to upload executables or documents, and you're only allowed to upload mp3s less than 9MB in size. [UPDATE: Oosah increased the mp3 limit to 50MB per file!]

But here's some good news- You can upload images and video to your heart's content, and even connect to YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and Picasa to manage files through there.

So go ahead. Go to the site, register, and love it. I double-dog dare you.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Media exaggeration will kill us all...

...one commercial at a time.

Have you ever noticed that what we know and love is greatly decided by the media?

For example NBC/Universal, Sony BMG, and Warner Brothers control what you listen to for the most part. If one of these companies decide to take some guy off the streets and to a studio on Monday, he'll be sure to hit Billboard by Thursday. Kinda sad, but we're not complaining.

Hey, wait a minute.... Obama's on a trip to a 3rd world country! MSNBC's even showing the speech live! ...Wait a minute, I recall O'Reilly talking about McCain's trip to the same country last week... heh. This is a prime example of media bias. MSNBC's far left while Fox News hangs around as the only large right-wing news source. I'd say that CNN is pretty neutral, though I see a bit more left than right when Glen Beck isn't on. Seriously, if we don't watch the speeches in their entirety, we'll become victim of paraphrased, filtered information. A humerous example of this can be found here.

Oh, here's a prime example of media exaggeration. The iPhone. Apple announces it, the crowd goes wild, they sell millions. Then Apple announces the iPhone 3G. The crowd goes wild. 1 million gets sold in about 2 days [by the way, the sudden boost in sales was because Apple started selling the iPhone 3G in over 20 other countries]. But wait a minute... the Nokia N800 was launched about half a year earlier, and that didn't get on the news. Then Nokia brought out the N810, and still no media coverage. And whatever happened to all of the touch screen phones that HTC has manufactured over the last year or so? Sure, they sell like hotcakes, but it's not like any non-geek recognizes them. Pft, I'd be suprised if you, the reader, knew why the Samsung Omnia and HTC Touch Diamond [as well as the just-released Touch Pro and upcomming Touch HD] beats the iPhone in just about every aspect.

My closing statement is this: Read up before you speak up. Check the specs, the Wiki articles, and the C-SPAN press releases.