That's right, I'm happy for Sony! Seriously, BRD is the best thing they've made in a while! It definitely goes right next to the walkman and CD on my list.
Getting back on track, there's also news that a few certain companies are still being loayal to HD-DVD, despite the fact that it already lost. Sore loosers. But Toshiba is being smart [somewhat] by not calling their HD-DVD players "HD-DVD Player"s, but calling them an "Upscaling DVD Player with HD-DVD playback". Nice strategy, definitely something I'd do if I had tens of thousands of useless/obsolete pieces of hardware that I wanted to sell. But I still don't see any reason to keep manufacturing them, especially when almost all other tech giants have moved upward and onward to BRD.
Heh, after typing and researching this, I feel like getting a BRD drive. Besides, 2 Blu-Ray disks can back up my entire system, uncompressed.
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